An Open Door

I shared this post on Instagram today.

Money taps me on the shoulder and points to something deeper. Inevitably, there is something to do or know. Numbers, math, and money open a door. When I walk through that door, I get feedback about where I stand: with relationships, power, expression, and the systems in which I live and move. Money gives me ways to say “yes” or “no” or “thank you.” It gives me ways to plant seeds, to grow ideas, to support the more-ness of things I love.

Touching money metaphorically—thinking about it, talking about it—sometimes leaves a sticky resin on my fingertips. I want to wash my hands of it. Then, I hear someone speak about their desires, their pain, their joy, or their history with money, and everything changes.

Money is personal. My decisions create sensations of tension and openness, expansion and constriction. Money is both elastic and finite. It morphs as I observe and handle it. I notice where ideas about money blend with sensations of hunger, craving, and satisfaction. My work is to stay in my body.

I take a somatic approach to money. “Soma” means body. The body is home. I notice sensations. I tend to basic needs: my need for water, or an open window, or sunlight, or a deep breath. I drop my shoulders. I coach and teach and write. I learn, repeatedly, that money is not the point or purpose. Money is a teacher, inviting me to walk through an open door.

I love coaching people as they find and express more ease and agency with money, work, and life. Book a call with me.


A Debt Story (Part Two)